annette bower's walking woman

I grabbed my poles and walked my mile outside.

A storm was coming however

A storm was coming however

It is March after all and I need to get in shape. Why I can’t bring myself to go down eleven flights of stairs or ride the elevator down eleven floors to the treadmill, I do not understand.
So yesterday, I dressed for the weather with layers and my rubber soles waterproof shoes and walked my mile. This is the City of Saskatchewan Legislative Building. “The Saskatchewan Legislative Building was built between 1908 and 1912 in the Beaux Arts style to a design by Edward and William Sutherland Maxwell of Montreal.” from my vantage from across Wascana Lake. “Wascana Lake has been restored to its place as the crown jewel of Regina, treasured for its scenic beauty, for recreational sailing, rowing, and canoeing, and as a natural habitat for waterfowl and wildlife.”

Perhaps if I commit to posting a picture of my walk often, I will be inspired to venture out and exercise.
On that note, time to bundle up as it is minus 8°C or 18°F. Same cold just different ways of describing it. Hmmm, there are similarities to writing.

Wish me luck.

Walking Woman has changed to Treadmill Woman

Yes, walking woman continues. The weather has interfered with walking around Wascana Lake
or riding my bicycle to Curves.
Now it is down the elevator to the exercise room and the treadmill to my tunes and if there isn’t anyone else exercising when I am there it is a time with my hoola hoop.

The exercise routine continues. I just realized I received a notice that the Royal Regina Road Race is open for registration. Time to sign up and be ready again, to not come in last.

Walking woman has changed into riding woman and Curves woman

As some of my readers will know, I bid in silent auctions. In June an event was held to raise money for a shelter for women. I bid on a Curves basket and won. In the basket was a month of workouts at the fitness club. Because walking woman had fallen under the spell of travelling and missing the lake walks, I needed to get back into a routine. I joined the Curves facility that I could ride my bicycle to easiest.
On the Labor Day Monday, I practised riding the approximate 5 km to the fitness center and back. It was possible to avoid the main streets.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, I completed the ride and the workout.
It feels great to be back to physical exercise. My hope is that when the month is up I will have formed a habit again and when the cold comes and my bicycle is no longer practical, I will go to my local gym and keep up the exercise.
Ready for all comments about beginning a program and falling off and beginning again.

Walking woman is out of her element

Here I am on Vancouver Island and walking along twisting roads with giant trees and moss with fabulous rocks just within a quick jump out of the way of a vehicle careening around the bends. For urban prairie woman this is a challenge. With one earbud in my ear away from traffic and my umbrella tucked in my back pocket because it does seem to rain frequently, I walk.
I turned the opposite direction where a brown bear crossed the road hoping the bear crosses at the same place every time. With music playing in my ear I tried to forget about cougars or even squirrels.

Walking up crushed rock hills is a lot more strenuous than cement sidewalks in the city. Although I do see squirrels on my urban walks,they don’t startle me.

I am proud of myself for walking in this new strange place.

Walking Woman will not walk her second race

Life has a way of changing plans. I went on a trip and had such a great time that I extended the time away longer than anticipated. I will only be back into Regina late on Sunday evening, long after all of the other walkers/runners have completed the course and had their lunch. I even purchased a t-shirt for this event. The good news is that I have had the opportunity to walk many inclines and not to my legs liking. But next year I will be in better shape.
I will continue to walk my six kilometers around Wascana Lake and bring out my cruiser bicycle and find the paths around my beautiful city.

Who knows perhaps I will find another race later in the year.