Ahhh 2018, 100 days to reform habits.

A new year is here.

And with a new year, a return to writing. 

The Saskatchewan Romance Writers hold a writing challenge in the month of January where those who participate chime in and report their progress daily. I have not been great at this in the past, however, I need to form a writing habit again. It has been said that it takes 100 days to build a habit without being overwhelming. January has 31 days, I’ll be close to 1/3 of a way toward my goal and the completion of novel number 4.

I’m not exactly sure why I was on a sabbatical from writing, except that when writing I lose track of friends. Those real people in my life that give me feedback and stimulate my thoughts about life. When I’m writing or promoting I’m wrapped up in the make believe world. I needed to come out and be real again.

My next goal is exercise because when writing it demands many hours of sitting with fingers on the keyboard either writing or researching. Over the years I’ve collapsed vertebrae from sitting long periods of time. I can’t afford to do that again.

The doctor has recommended thirty minutes of walking each day and not at the speed you would walk a dog.

Finally, time for fun. 

About a block from my home, the City of Regina floods part of Victoria Park. Tonight I put on my skates and helmet and glided across the ice.

I will write a post about the significance of my orange.

And now it is good night because writing world begins very early tomorrow.