Day two at the RWA conference 2012

Okay, I figured it out! Sorry it has taken me a couple of days of shortsightedness. I can do my blog post in my tablet notepad and then I can copy and paste. 
My first workshop today was “Hook a Reader in 140 Characters: How to Promote using Social Media.”
Speakers: Andrea Laurence, Vicki Lewis Thompson, Rhonda Nelson, Kira Sinclair.
The first important item is they suggested is to not be a sleazy salesman, where everything is buy my book! 
Next important is to choose your main social media that you do well and tie the other social media to it. 
Another important message was not to get so involved that it takes away from your writing. One of the presenters has a separate computer for emails and social media in a separate room, she has to leave her work place to go to visit her social media readers and friends.  
We received a twitter twerminology sheet: OH: Short for overheard. This chat abbreviation is used on Twitter, often in place of RT (retweet) when the user does not want to provide the user name of the follower they are quoting. 

The next workshop was Integrated Marketing Plans for Writers 
Speaker: Jennifer Fusco. Besides many tips the one thing she reminded us was besides knowing what works with our marketing we should also know what fails. She suggested that as writers we should have a positioning statement which should help us to understand where we are about as writers. 
And we also have to build a budget and a time line at least 6 months before the book is released. She listed things to do for each month.

The next workshop was Laughing All the Way to the bank:How to write and sell humor. Speakers:Kathleen Bacus, Christie Craig, Angie Fox, and Diane Kelly. Again many different ideas were shared. One of the books recommended was The Comic Toolbox.
Lunch key note speaker was Robyn Carr. She mentioned that every time she said she as going to quit through her long career of change and adapting to the market change she wrote some of her best books because she became fearless.
After lunch I attended a workshop on How to get the most out of Goodreads.  Speaker: Patrick Brown. I have some work to do when I get home.
The final workshop of the day was The Secrets of E-Book Publishing Success. Speaker: Mark Coker with Smashwords. It is a changing world for writers. He imparted many of his secrets but his top three were: 1. Write a great book. 2. Pick a great title 3. Get a great cover. He has free books on Smashwords for download to assist writers in their business because it is a business. 

That’s all for today and of course I am brain fried. 

Great dinner at Morton’s with ten authors of Soul Mate Publishing and senior editor Deborah Gilbert
Now here is hoping that I can copy and paste.